Flight by Sherman Alexie - A Short Summary & Review

A short summary of the book Flight:

The accidental time traveler

My favorite Sherman Alexie quote from the book:

"How can you tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys when they all say the same thing?"

Questions I pondered while reading Flight:

How do we fix foster care?

How do we stop the violence?

My review of Flight:

I wish I could see so many points of view.

Don't foster if you aren't going to, you know, actually foster.

Violence is not the correct answer.

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a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. 

In addition to her travel writings at www.takethebackroads.com, you can also read her book reviews at www.riteoffancy.com and US military biographies at www.everydaypatriot.com

Her online photography gallery can be found at shop.takethebackroads.com


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