Stop the Insanity, Journalism Nellie Bly Style

Dear Henry, Continuing in my study of "People Who Helped The Insane" - I am so relieved that Fish has agreed to clear the history on my internet browser after I die - I have come across the story of Ms. Nellie Bly. I vaguely remember hearing about her when I was younger. After some research, I have decided that she would be considered one of the bravest women in journalism, even by today's standards. Her first article, written under the pseudonym "Lonely Orphan Girl," challenged the current role of women. It argued for divorce law reform, which garnered her a full-time position at the Pittsburgh Dispatch. She immediately began reporting on women's working conditions in the area's factories. She was then promptly reassigned to the women's section of the paper and told to report on fashion. Unwilling to report on society and unable to write on local items of substance, Nellie Bly went to Mexico as a foreign correspondent. While reporting ...