
Showing posts from 2020

Funeral Games - Mary Renault - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Funeral Games: The ending of Alexander's Empire. My favorite Mary Renault quote from the book: "Whatever the stars said, good food was good food." Questions to ponder while reading Funeral Games: Why do we allow greed to destroy legacies? Why do empires require an autocrat rather than a democracy to exist? My review of the book: Jumps about a bit. Well-researched endings. A great peek into the cultures of ancient society. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of...

The Butterfly Garden - Dot Hutchinson - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of The Butterfly Garden: Kidnapping a beautiful collection. My favorite Dot Hutchinson quote from the book: "Because courtesy is as much of a bitch as disdain." Questions to ponder while reading The Butterfly Garden: Could you force yourself to live under those conditions? Could you recover? My review of the book: A very scary tale. A very engaging read. The family dynamics stretched plausibility a bit. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of coffee!

The Dark Place Where Memes and Penguins "Meat"

Dear Henry, Today's internet rabbit hole began with a meme.  The meme suggested that everyone was wondering if penguin meat was any good.  While I hadn't thought about it before and would, under no terms, eat a penguin, it made me wonder if they were, in fact, tasty and if there were a culture, somewhere, that considered them a delicacy. I should mention, right at the beginning, that it is absolutely illegal for a US citizen to eat a penguin according to the Antarctic Conservation Act.  Don't try it.  This would be such a silly reason to end up in federal prison.  I should also mention that I'm not even advocating eating a penguin, and I would judge you harshly for doing so (starvation aside). Still, I wondered about penguin meat palatability and whether or not it was something that had ever been widely consumed. The verdict:  Eating penguins is terrible in all regards.  There are no cultures that I have been able to identify that used penguins as a fo...

Twist of Faith - Ellen J. Green - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Twist of Faith: Finding Ava. My favorite Ellen J. Green quote from the book: " When things get too familiar, it's time to move on." Questions to ponder while reading the book: Do you know who you are? Does your family have secrets? My review of the book Twist of Faith: Edge of my seat. Didn't see it coming. Still not sure why social services wasn't an option. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of coffee!

Trimming the Tidal Basin - The History of D.C.'s Flowering Cherry Trees

Dear Henry, One of my "bucket list" trips is to check out Washington D.C.'s tidal basin during the Spring when the flowering cherry trees bloom.  The trees have become such an iconic part of monument photographs that it is hard to believe that the trees almost never came to be and were, several times, at risk of being destroyed. D.C.'s tidal basin was created in the 1880s to keep silt out of the Washington Channel, prevent flooding, and to provide a recreation area for D.C. residents.  It was originally called Twining Lake after Major William Johnson Twining, although it is now called the National Mall Tidal Basin.  Initially, there wasn't much there, although the Washington Monument would appear in 1885 and the entire area was rather bland and treeless. Fortunately, the author and traveler Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore knew exactly what was needed for the tidal basin. Ms. Scidmore discovered and fell in love with the Japanese Flowering Cherry while traveling with her br...

In Movement There Is Peace: Stumbling 500 Miles Along the Way to the Spirit - Elaine Orabona Foster/Joseph Wilbred Foster - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of In Movement There Is Peace: A couple's journey along the Camino de Santiago. My favorite Elaine Orabona Foster quote from the book: "Staying locked into an image of how things are supposed to be can blind us to the grace of what is." Questions to ponder while reading In Movement There Is Peace: What journey do you want to make with your spouse? What journey do you want to make alone? My review of the book: A memoir about a walk I want to make. A tale of marriage. It made me look forward to the journey. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider suppor...

The Persian Boy - Mary Renault - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of The Persian Boy: Alexander from the eye of Begoas. My favorite Mary Renault quote from the book: "One must be just to the dead, who cannot answer." Questions to ponder while reading The Persian Boy: Do you stand upon ceremony? Do you study philosophy? My review of the book: Sequel to Mary Renault's Fire From Heaven Another well-researched work of historical fiction. Alexander the Great's life invites admiration. *Note* The book is from the perspective of Alexander's eunuch lover and may not be for everyone. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider s...

The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of The Phantom of the Opera: The haunting tale of a lovesick specter. My favorite Gaston Leroux quote from the book: "Our lives are one masked ball." Questions to ponder while reading The Phantom of the Opera: Are theaters really that complex? Would you pick the scorpion or the grasshopper? My review of the book: A classic thriller. Finished in a single sitting. I really want to see the Paris Opera House now. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of coffee!

The Haunting of Rachel Harroway - J.S. Donovan - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of The Haunting of Rachel Harroway: The making of a detective who sees dead people. My favorite J.S. Donovan quote from the book: "Still, be the light you wish you saw and you can give what you may never have." Questions to ponder while reading The Haunting of Rachel Harroway: Would you be afraid? Would you lock yourself in your home? My review of the book: A fun scary thriller. Lots of mystery. Lots of ghosts. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of coffee!

Fire From Heaven - Mary Renault - A Short Summary & Review

A short summary of Fire From Heaven: The early life and times of Alexander the Great. My favorite Mary Renault quote from the book: The soul must live to do. Questions to ponder while reading Fire From Heaven: Do you believe in omens? Do you have a healthy relationship with your parents? My review of the book: A great story about a great conqueror. Well-researched fiction. The first book in the trilogy, looking forward to the rest. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buying me a cup of coffee!

Where the Forest Meets the Stars - Glendy Vanderah - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Where the Forest Meets the Stars: An alien, an ornithologist, and an egg seller unite in a search for miracles, healing, and truth. My favorite Glendy Vanderah quote from the book: Lots of crazy people are smart. Questions to ponder while reading Where the Forest Meets the Stars: How do you find a miracle? How do you find hope? My review of the book: An odd premise that was oddly engaging. An unbelievable story. A fun, brain candy read. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting my sponsors and  webshop  or buy...

Fly Like an Angel: A True Story of Life, Faith, and Compassion - Debbie Bewley - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Fly Like an Angel: Buddy Fly's vignettes on life, love, and his faith. My favorite Buddy Fly quote from the book: "Sometimes, after you make your point, you got to know when to just keep your head down and keep doing what you think is right." Questions to ponder while reading Fly Like an Angel: How do you help others? What do you dream about? My review of the book: Amazing stories of a life. A great example of how to live. A great example of faith. * See Corporal Richard L. Fly's Everyday Patriot entry here .* ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please conside...

Finally, I Just Threw Up My Hands and Said "Flax It All!" - Adventures in Growing Flax

  Dear Henry, Earlier this year, to fill a flower bed, I scattered a couple of packets of a seed mix called "Southern Favorites", because I loved the pictures of the flowers on the packet and was sure that they would work well in the bed.  These seed packets have created quite a gardening adventure. I've been very surprised by the flowers that have grown, none of them were in the picture on the package and none of the flowers on the package grown and while that may sound disappointing, it hasn't been, it's just been a daily surprise. One of the best surprises that grew was the scarlet flax and I  fell in love with the flower.  Realizing I was growing flax also re-awoke a latent dream of mine. I have always harbored a secret dream to learn the fiber arts. In the back of my mind, I have wanted a little farm with sheep for their wool, and where I could grow cotton and flax and bamboo and make yarns.  Adding to this list of fiber art dreams, I also want to learn to ...

Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocquerville - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of the book Democracy in America: Everything you have ever wanted to know about the US government but were afraid to ask. The book also contains a lot of information you never thought of asking. My favorite Alexis de Tocqueville quote from the book: " Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom. " Questions to ponder while reading Democracy in America: Do you understand your representation? Do you understand your rights and responsibilities? My review of the book: An in-depth look at the inner workings of our government. It is incredibly detailed. One of the most necessary books for every American (yes, I know it was written by a Frenchman) ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  www.riteoffancy.c...

The Road Beyond Ruin - Gemma Liviero - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of The Road Beyond Ruin: An Italian POW adopts a new life while trying to return home. My favorite Gemma Liviero quote from the book: " Success can only come from patience and study. You cannot expect it from others. " Questions to ponder while reading The Road Beyond Ruin: Can you take care of another person if you have nothing? Can you find sympathy for your enemy? My review of the book: I never thought about what happened after the WWII victory parades until now. A good book about surviving the aftermath of the war. I couldn't imagine how hard it was to survive. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at  shop.takethebackroa...

Chattel Goods - The Sad Story of Slavery in the US

Dear Henry, When Fish and I first moved to Arkansas, we visited the Pea Ridge Civil War Battlefield . As we were both raised in the Western United States, this was our first experience with "the Confederacy," It was an incredibly foreign concept. I have since learned a little bit more about the Confederacy after touring the Oak Alley Plantation  and the Prairie Grove Battlefield , but I have to admit, I still don't "get" it. I struggled specifically with the Confederate idea that one can own another person. I struggle with this belief so much that it is unfathomable for me to think that someone would be willing to go to war and die to do so, and I can only think of the words of Oscar Wilde, who said: "A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." I started a research project on the history of slavery in the US. As far as I can tell, it is a story without an absolute beginning, or for that matter, an end, nor was it ever, exclusively, a ...