The Physician - Noah Gordon - A Short Summary and Review
A short summary of The Physician: A medieval doctor's dram from London to Persia and back again. My favorite Noah Gordon quote from the book: "Mankind is close to savagery and must live by rules. If not, we would sink into our own animal nature and perish." Questions to ponder while reading The Physician: How far would you travel to learn? What would you give up to follow your dream? My review of The Physician: A great historical tale on the evolution of a medieval doctor. Rich in detail. Totally engrossing. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia. In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider ...