
Showing posts from January, 2022

Comfortable With Uncertainty - 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion - Pema Chödrön - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Comfortable With Uncertainty: Buddhist lessons in growth, taught by an American Nun. My favorite Pema Chödrön quote from the book: " As long as we believe that there is  something that will permanently satisfy our hunger for security, suffering is inevitable." Questions to ponder while reading Pema Chödrön's Comfortable With Uncertainty: Do you hide from your thoughts? Where do you look for happiness? My review of the book Uncomfortable With Uncertainty: Great Buddhist wisdom, from a great Buddhist teacher. Easy to engage in, easy to understand. I *LOVED*  Pema Chödrön's explanation of karma. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gal...

Theology of the Body In Simple Language - Pope John Paul II. - A Short Summary and Review

  A short summary of Theology of the Body in Simple Language: What it means to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit. My favorite Pope John Paul II quote from the book: "The body should be controlled with honor because it is worthy of honor." Questions to ponder while reading Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body: Do you uphold your dignity and the dignity of others? Do you have self-control? My review of Theology of the Body: A plain explanation of our body's purpose. Complete, with scriptural and saint references. It will definitely give you much to think about. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoad...

The Boston Girl - Anita Diamant - A Short Summary and Review

  A short summary of The Boston Girl: The colorful life of Addie Baum, as told to her granddaughter. My favorite Anita Diamant quote from the book: " You know the saying about how revenge tastes better cold? Well, it tastes just as good warm." Questions to ponder while reading Anita Diamant'sThe Boston Girl: What did you want to be when you grew up? Do you get along with your mother? My review of the book The Boston Girl: A great "this was my life" story. I very much related to Addie. I want to see *that* Boston - although I definitely want indoor plumbing. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads L...

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know - Adam Grant - A Short Summary & Review

  A short summary of Think Again: How to keep an open mind and maintain lifelong learning. My favorite Adam Grant quote from the book: "Our convictions can lock us in prisons of our own making." Questions to ponder while reading Adam Grant's Think Again: Do you know why you think what you think? Are you willing to change your mind? My review of the book Think Again: I love his ideas about how we think (or don't think). The book gives you much to think about. It got a little drawn out toward the end. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work by visiting...

Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots - Scott Hahn - A Short Summary and Review

  A short summary of Signs of Life: Why Catholics do the things that Catholics do. My favorite Scott Hahn quote from the book: "Thus, in Christ, all the things of the earth become signposts pointing us to God." Questions to ponder while reading Scott Hahn's Signs of Life: Why do you pray? Have you ever thought about a pilgrimage? My review of the book Signs of Life: The "why" and the scriptures behind Catholic rites and rituals. Well-researched and well-documented. An engaging and fun walk through our worship. ****** ********************************* a.d. elliott is a wanderer, photographer, and storyteller living in Salem, Virginia.  In addition to her travel writings at , you can also read her book reviews at  and US military biographies at Her online photography gallery can be found at #TaketheBackRoads Like my page? Please consider supporting my work ...